Sunday, June 3, 2012

Name Game

Has anyone else thought that the names really fit the characters for the most part?  Literally just hearing the names of the characters, you could probably describe what they are.  For example, Magwitch.  That sounds dirty and rough, which our intial impression of him.  Estella, that just sounds stuck up! Mrs. Havisham sounds like a scary old lady that any young child, or older person for that matter, would be creeped out by.  Pumblechook makes me think of bumble, which makes me think of an idiot, which is what he is.  Any other names that fit the character you can think of?

1 comment:

  1. These names are perfect... I like "Pip" the most... short and sweet. I was particularly thinking about Pumblechook a few days ago and how ridiculous it is. Dickens always names his characters well.

    Some other fitting names: Mr. Jaggers, Mr. Herbert Pocket, Mr. Bentley Drummle, Mr. Wopsle
