Sunday, June 3, 2012


So I was all excited when Pip realized that he liked Biddy! And he was going off to go find her, but where was she? Coming out of the freaking church married to Joe!!!!!! WHAT?!?!?! I thought that Biddy was supposed to marry Pip! It makes the most sense too! They would have been together in the beginning if he hadn't become infatuated with Estella, so I thought that was going to be the final resolution in the end. But NOOOOOOO! She had to get married to Joe! And good for Joe, he really deserves someone as great as her, but it just really threw me off. Was I alone here in thinking that they were supposed to be together?


  1. No I thought that would be the natural thing, but it kind of serves Pip right. He gave her up because he was being greedy and shallow and I think he doesn't neccessarily deserve her. Yes people change, but he missed his oppurtunity (can you tell I'm not Pip's biggest fan).

  2. I think Pip deserves to be shaken, and personally, I think Biddy was too good for him. Also, I'm not sure if they were a very good match together; we never really saw them together enough to judge anyway. For some reason, I predicted the two would get together... maybe it was because Joe was all "Biddy this, Biddy that" and they were together and alone for so long... it's the romantic in me I guess.
