Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pip and Estellla

Have you noticed how often Pip is concerned with what Estella thinks about him.  This kind of makes me mad!  Why would would "love" someone that you think is constantly judging you.  Maybe he likes her tough girl edge or something.  I wouldn't want to be in a relationship like that.  Even if I could become a higher class citizen.  What do you think about their toxic relationship?


  1. Pip is torn in his emotions for Estella. I think he seems to have a hero complex when it comes to her. He is infatuated with her, and wishes he had some of her qualities. This latter part is due to her constant put-downs, which only makes him crave her attention more, even if it is in a negative way. This "toxic relationship" as you so aptly described it can lead to nothing good. They will not be together in the end. It cannot work out.

  2. I think that the reason that Pip is infatuated with Estella is because she is everything that he thinks he wants to be. He wants to be the high class, well-dressed, attractive, rich man. I don't know if he really loves HER as much as he loves what she represents. She could also be seen as the key to the higher class. So if he doesn't have her, than he doesn't have his ultimate dream. But I definitely agree that they have a toxic relationship and that it can't work out.
